hey me again with a tutorial on making a gif from video in photoshop :)
so firstly open your PS :P
now go to file > Import > Video Frames to Layers..
now a pop up window opens with your my pictures / videos or downloads whatever it is but you need to go to videos (Libraries > video)
click on the video you want to make a GIF of
so firstly open your PS :P
now a pop up window opens with your my pictures / videos or downloads whatever it is but you need to go to videos (Libraries > video)
click on the video you want to make a GIF of
like i chose Arnav & Khushi Love scene 120 so i will make a GIF from this video on click on Open or simply press enter
Now the window you get will be like this
you need to chose Select Range Only and not From begining to End !
and if the size of the part you want in your GIF is too much long then you need to click on Limit to every and whatever the frame no. is
now select the part you want as GIF
i click on OK
but i get this window (it only appers if the no. of frames created are too much in size)
so i will click on Limit to every {in the box i chose 2} frame and then click on Continue
i get 204 frames u may get less or more
^^ here in the timeline u can see how many frames u have
layers window will show the same amount of layers as the no. of frames in timeline
now to get a proper size and shape for my GIF i need to crop it !
^^ this is the crop tool in PS
using it crop your GIF to the shape you want it in
after selecting the area you want to crop right click and then click on crop
^^this is my final GIF to know if it looks good i will use the play button and see how it will play
^^ (red line circle) is the play button :P
and keep in mind that forever is selected (highlighted part)
now to to file > Save for web > the in the pop up window click on save but do check the loop is forever and color is 256 > my pictures (or wherever you wish to save your GIF) > type the name of your gif (for example khushi and add .gif (not necessay but i do that !) so the name will be khushi.gif > save
my result :D
hope you got to do it now ;)