
Sunday, 20 July 2014

How to Make a Text shaped Image using

Hello everyone,
this tutorial is not with photoshop but PAINT.NET
you can download from here  link  its free, great and easy editing software !

How to Make a Text shaped Image using

1.Open (adjust canvas size as you find suitable) 
2. Add a new Layer Layers>Add new Layer 
now, you'll find that the layer box shows a new layer named LAYER 2 above the background layer (if your layer box is not visible go to window>Layer or click F7)

3. selecting the layer 2 type the text you want (T symbol denotes text in tool box) {it is recommended to use bold and big text.}
> i am using a vintage floral patter as my image and VINTAGE as my text<

4. now go back to the layer box and select background 

5. go to open > select the image you want to use as background 
for me this is : {bigger in size in reality}

(it will open in a new tab)

6. select move pixels tool from tool box or use rectangular selection to select whole patter
7. copy the image
8. paste it on you background layer (in the tab where your text is)
{when the popup box of paste shows select keep canvas size}
optional : using move pixels tool you can move around the patter as you wish according to the text

now your canvas will look like this :

9. select the layer 2 (new) again
10. click on Magic Wand tool in tool box
11. Change the Flood Mode to GLOBAL 

12. Making sure layer 2 (new layer) is selected click on the first letter on the text (anywhere)
now you will see that your text is selected 
13. un-check the layer 2 box and you will see only the selection

14. Go to Edit > Invert selection 
 15. Go to edit > erase selection 

and here is the result : 

 recommended : save it as .png (select flatter in popup box) or .jpeg