
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

How to add texture to a still image

this tutorial tells about how to add a normal texture to a still image (my simple way of doing it though there r many other ways)
which looks like this

and the texture i used here is 

u can use some other texture and if u donno how to find then u can either search 

and then open PS and then the pic u want to add texture to

like i opened this one this time so i will add the rose texture in this but first i will have to remove that extra border so i will use the crop option and remove it :)

 << crop option

^^ so now the area i want as pic in which i add text is selected with the crop tool (leaving the part with text and border)
right click on the selected area and then in the window that comes up click "CROP"
and so ur image will be cropped 

*this step will only be used if there is extra border or text that u don't want it ur pic other wise u don't need to follow it*

after cropping if u want ur pic to be of a larger / smaller size go to image > Image size and then change the size of ur image ( i am not going to follow this step as i don't need it)

^^ now that i have cropped it looks like this (with crop tool still selected)

now go to layer > new > layer

^^ i am naming this new layer as "Layer"

so in the layer window u find a new layer added

Now  u open ur texture in a new window of PS

^^ see it gets opened in a new tab

now u select the stamp tool 
 << this (red) is stamp tool

now u go to ur texture press left click of mouse along with Alt (together)

now u move back to the pic u want to add texture in and start applying the stamp tool there like this

make sure that the mode is normal and opacity is 100%

now i apply this to the whole image
at the end it will look like this >.

and the layer's window like this

and then u look at the mood of the texture added new layer

here where it says "Normal" click on it and change it to something else (best try using trial and error method :D) mostly use lighten/overlay/screen

i have changed it to lighten so now my texture layer and pic looks like this

now i go to move pixels tool 

and move the texture layer
so now my pic looks like this

and layer's window

so now ur texture is added to ur image u can leave it here and save ur image or like me add the same texture again with different position by following these steps >

Go to layer > new > layer
follow the same procedure u did before (stamp tool one)
i have named my this new layer as layer a
so my pic now again looks like this

and  layer's window like this

like before i move this layer to the place i want
i have placed it here

and then i again use the lighten option
it looks like this but then i don't like it's position so i move it

now u can move it wherever u want
i have placed it here
so my final product will be like this and u can add some text also if u wish to but i won't and so just save it ! 
and remember to save it as JPEG
and not PSD as it asks to click ok on the options in windows that pop up after that

hope u got to do it now :)

- Gunjan

Adding brush effect in GIF image

well this tutorial helps u make GIFs like this

u need well photoshop nothing more but for different new fonts like the ones used in these two u need to download more fonts 
u can google them or simply download it from here

so first open PS and then open your GIF in which you want effects like this or simply make one (will give a tutorial on this later ;) 

so the one i have used a GIF image that has 63 layers = 63 frames

using the play button u can see how ur GIF plays and then cut extra frames if any that u don't want

and then crop the extra space of your GIF that u don't want

^^ this is the image i got after i used crop (using crop option isn't necessary)

 now u go to layer > New Layer > OK

the new layer will be shown in layer's window
Note : it should be shown on the top of all other layers if not and is above layer 1 then select New layer and drag it up till it reaches the top of all layers

 << drag this layer

 and it should reach here if it already was not

 now select the brush tool

 then go to window > brushes 

 here u select what type of brush u want to use and its properties 

 change the size of brush from here or the option in the top left :)

 i have used this brush size which is large enough but not too large

 so on the new layer start applying brush the way u want it to be shown on your GIF

at the end of using white brush your GIF will look like this ^^
and your frame timeline like this - 

^this shows brush has been applied to all frames
and ur layer window will be like this

now again add a new layer above this layer

use a different type of brush or the same one

 layer a is the new layer now

 here change the size and color of brush again

apply the same way

now selecting layer a go to layer > merge down

 so it will be like this now in layer window

now again go to layer > new layer

selecting the text tool and the font type and size type the text on this new layer

the Layer's window will be like this

now selecting text layer go to layer > merge down

play your GIF and look at the final result if it is alright go to file > save for web > following the procedure save your GIF image :)

for the second one where u can't use brush on the image becoz it may hide the image or the GIF size is small after cropping and all go to canvas size > increase the width or height or both and then following the same procedure add brush but use brush mostly on the increased canvas space